Friday, February 26, 2010

Welcome Miles Peter

Pete, Will, and I welcomed little Miles into the world on Friday, February 26th at 3:54 a.m. He was quite a surprise since he wasn't due until March 9th and Will was a week overdue! He weighed in at 8 lbs. 13 oz. and was 21 inches long. I thought I would document the labor so I wouldn't forget later on:

Pete and I worked almost a full day on Thursday. I really had no indication that Miles was on his way except for a little cramping. I called the doctor's office in the afternoon to let them know about the slight cramping (I was already dilated 4 cm before this so they wanted to know right away of any changes). They sent me straight to the hospital, because they thought I was in labor and just didn't know it. Crazy! With Will we had hours of painful contractions and I could barely walk into the hospital and check in, but this time I was feeling great, drove myself and Pete met me there, and I was smiling as I checked in. We walked the halls for an hour after they determined that I was in labor, and by the time 8 pm hit, we were checking in to the labor and delivery room.
Here is where the story gets tricky. When we got to the room, they made us decide then if we wanted the epidural or not. I was 6 cm and they were afraid I would progress too fast otherwise and miss the opportunity. I was still feeling great, but chose to get it because I did not want to have to push without it. Thank goodness I did, because Miles actually came out posterior (was facing up instead of down). We had a great labor and were so excited to figure out if Will was having a baby sister or brother. Pete was sure it was a girl, and I was sure it was a we know who was right all those months!
Miles is a great baby that has already earned the nicknames of mellow man and the littlest man, since Will is the little man. Will loves having a baby brother and has adjusted very well. We feel very blessed to have such a wonderful family of four!

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