Friday, February 26, 2010

Welcome Miles Peter

Pete, Will, and I welcomed little Miles into the world on Friday, February 26th at 3:54 a.m. He was quite a surprise since he wasn't due until March 9th and Will was a week overdue! He weighed in at 8 lbs. 13 oz. and was 21 inches long. I thought I would document the labor so I wouldn't forget later on:

Pete and I worked almost a full day on Thursday. I really had no indication that Miles was on his way except for a little cramping. I called the doctor's office in the afternoon to let them know about the slight cramping (I was already dilated 4 cm before this so they wanted to know right away of any changes). They sent me straight to the hospital, because they thought I was in labor and just didn't know it. Crazy! With Will we had hours of painful contractions and I could barely walk into the hospital and check in, but this time I was feeling great, drove myself and Pete met me there, and I was smiling as I checked in. We walked the halls for an hour after they determined that I was in labor, and by the time 8 pm hit, we were checking in to the labor and delivery room.
Here is where the story gets tricky. When we got to the room, they made us decide then if we wanted the epidural or not. I was 6 cm and they were afraid I would progress too fast otherwise and miss the opportunity. I was still feeling great, but chose to get it because I did not want to have to push without it. Thank goodness I did, because Miles actually came out posterior (was facing up instead of down). We had a great labor and were so excited to figure out if Will was having a baby sister or brother. Pete was sure it was a girl, and I was sure it was a we know who was right all those months!
Miles is a great baby that has already earned the nicknames of mellow man and the littlest man, since Will is the little man. Will loves having a baby brother and has adjusted very well. We feel very blessed to have such a wonderful family of four!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sledding with Grandma, Grandpa, and Leo

We had a great visit from the Cincinnati crew today! Because of our recent 10 inch+ snowfall, we had to take advantage of the sunny weather and go enjoy the snow. Leo was a wonderful big cousin showing Will everything he knows. Here are some of my favorite pics from the day!

Dr. Will

Will loves his veterinarian kit from Aunt Grace! He thinks he is a doctor and wears the stethoscope everywhere he goes. We even wore it to the doctor's office last month! The other morning I caught him snuggled up in his fire truck wearing his stethoscope and reading some of his favorite books. He is getting so old! What a cutie!

First snowfall

This Year:

Last Year:

Will and Daddy:

The first significant snowfall this year was also during one of the coldest snaps Ohio has had in awhile. We only took Will out for a few minutes, and it was night, so these were the only 2 pictures we snapped. It is so fun to see how much change one year can make!


Will continues to be a great eater. He will try almost anything, and continues to believe that at most meals you should be a member of the clean plate club. We tried jello the other night for the first time, and it was a huge hit! It is fun to watch how far he has come with using a spoon too. He was very proud of himself as you can see in the pictures!


We were also very lucky to receive a COSI membership for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa. They have a great toddler area that Will loves! Some of our favorite pictures of Will from last winter were taken on a visit to COSI. It is amazing how fast the time goes!

This winter:

Last winter:

Festival of Lights

We were thrilled to get a renewal of our zoo membership for Christmas from Will's great grandma. It is so fun to be able to go all year long to Columbus, but we have also been able to use it in both Cincinnati and Detroit for discounted tickets. We had a great time enjoying all the holiday lights, and it even started to snow while we were there. It was beautiful!

Christmas Day

We started out our wonderful day by opening presents in Cincinnati. Will was so much fun this year! It is hard to remember the little man from last December who just laid in our arms and slept. He of course didn't understand everything, but did enjoy climbing on the presents and ripping into them. It took him at least a week until he had time to sit down and play with all the great gifts he got.
After breakfast, we headed north to Grosse Pointe. We were so lucky that Will slept the whole four hours, and the weather was great! We had a great time opening presents with the Blake family and then heading over the the extended Blake Family get together. Will was showered with love and attention, and he loved every minute of it. We stayed in Grosse Pointe for a few days and got to enjoy visiting lots of family and friends. Will also discovered Mimi and Papa's basement! Hours and Hours of fun!

Christmas Eve

We had a wonderful time in Cincinnati this year for Christmas Eve and the few days before. One thing Will never warmed up to over the holidays was Santa. He would walk around the house all day saying "ho, ho", but when it came to actually seeing the jolly fellow, he was not interested. Here are just a few photos of the day.

Time to catch up

Yes, I have been neglecting the blog. Every night I intend on adding new pictures and stories, but somehow it just never gets done. Lets just say that having a 17 month old, being over 8 months pregnant, and working full time can be exhausting. I have promised myself though that I'm going to be better because I love reading everyone else's entries and I want everything documented so I can remember this great time in our lives! So here it goes...enjoy the next 5 or more entries :)