Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Festival of Lights

We were already able to use our Columbus Zoo membership that was a gift from Will's great grandma.  As you can see in the pictures, Will rode around in his stroller and couldn't keep his eyes off all of the brightly colored lights.  We can't wait to take Will back to the zoo again very soon.

Two little boys enjoying Christmas

Will spent a lot of time with his favorite cousin Leo over Christmas.  One of the highlights was their bath together.  We were able to put Will in his baby tub next to Leo in the big tub.  All Will could do was stare in amazement at Leo as he tried to teach him many new things.  Grandma and grandpa bought the boys matching p.j.'s to wear.  How cute!

My First Christmas

The last two weeks have been very exciting!  We were able to visit both Detroit and Cincinnati during the holidays and see lots of our family and friends.  We learned that traveling with a three month old is not as easy as it used to be, but it was amazing to have him with us to celebrate this year.  Last year at this time we had just found out that we were pregnant and tried to imagine how great Christmas was going to be this year.  It was even better!  Here is a collection of some pictures from the past two weeks.  Enjoy!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Winter Fun

Will loves to be outside, even in cold weather.  Today he couldn't stop smiling at Pete as he walked him around outside in the stroller.  Look how big he is getting!

While visions of sugar plums danced through his head

We had a fun time at the Christmas party at Pete's office today. There was lots of great food, entertainment, and fun Christmas decorations. There was even a live manger scene, real reindeer, and horse drawn carriage rides. These are sure to be some of Will's favorite Christmas memories in years to come. He was on his best behavior the whole time, and even kept his new Christmas attire clean. As we waited in line to visit Santa, Will decided it was time to nap. As you can see from the picture, he didn't mind that Santa took him while he kept on sleeping and dreaming of Christmas. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy St. Nick's Day

As part of mommy's family tradition, we celebrated St. Nick's Day in style.  Will has his wonderful stocking made by his great grandma that St. Nick stuffed with a pair of snowman pj's and a fun finger puppet book about Christmas.  Even though Will wasn't sure what to think when he woke up and we were holding him up to see his gifts, we know that someday this will be a favorite holiday!

I'm such a big boy!

Now that Will is three months old, we decided to try out some of his cool stuff.  We tried the high chair first...but he needs to gain about 10 more pounds and 5 inches it seems to see over the tray! :)  Next we tried out the Exersaucer, which you can see is a big hit.  Will hasn't quite noticed all the toys and how the chair spins yet, but he loves to bounce up and down and look around the room.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

3 Month Pictures

Oh, how time flies!  It is hard to believe that Will is already 3 months old.  Pete and I took him last week to get his pictures taken, and he was quite the photogenic little man.  Here are some of our favorites.