Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Brrrrr...it is winter!

Will has had to bundle up recently on any trips he has gone on.  We just think he looks so cute, like a little old man, in his matching pea coat and hat.  We can't wait to bundle him up and take him out for his first real snow.  The snow flurries the last two days don't count!  We hope everyone is keeping warm.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Will is on the web!

It has been a very exciting past seven weeks!  I know that it is hard to believe, but Will can already smile, he is starting to laugh, he can hold his head up, and is very close to rolling over. Can you tell we are proud parents!  Below is a highlight of the past seven weeks.  Look for much more to come!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Will's Big Cousin Leo

Will is also very lucky because he has a big cousin Leo.  One of Leo's favorite things is to hold Will and bring him toys.  He still isn't sure why someone needs to sleep and eat so much, but we know in the future they are going to be the best of friends.

Four Generations

Will is a very lucky little boy because he has a great grandparent on each side of the family.  Will recently returned from a trip to Detroit where he met his great grandpa, Papa Fritz.  He also went to Cincinnati recently and visited with his great grandma.  There are pictures of the four generations from both trips.

Will's first Halloween

Will on his first boat ride with mom and dad.

Will is always either talking or smiling when he is awake.

Will loves his baths

Going home from the hospital

Proud parents and grandparents

Will is finally here!

Waiting for Will's arrival