Monday, April 26, 2010

Miles is 2 months old

Miles is doing well. Sorry about the paci....he didn't want his picture taken this day after having two shots!!! He weighs 12lbs 8 oz. and is 23.5 inches long. He was in the 75 percentile for both! (The perfect baby :))

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cincy Children's Museum

During our Cincinnati visit, we spent one morning visiting the Cincinnati Children's Museum. It is really nice! It was nice for Will to have Aunt Lisa, grandma, and Leo there so he could do some of the bigger activities. His favorite things were shopping at the grocery, racing Leo on the wooden bikes, and climbing in the tree house (thank you to Aunt Lisa for doing this with him!!!). We're already planning on going back again sometime this summer.

Cincinnati Visit

Mommy, Will, and Miles took a trip to Cincinnati to visit family. We had great weather and spent a lot of time outside. As usual, Will was super excited to see and spend time with his big cousin Leo!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


We were so lucky to be able to stay in town and have people visit us for Easter this year. Mimi, Papa, Aunt Katie, Uncle Anthony, and Aunt Lisa all came in town to visit. Everyone loved meeting Miles for the first time too! We enjoyed hanging out with everyone and we're very lucky to have such nice weather we could enjoy.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fire truck

Will is a huge fan of fire trucks! We are very fortunate to live right down the street from the fire station, so seeing them is pretty much a daily occurrence. At the Easter egg hunt, there were fire trucks and ambulances you could see...definitely Will's favorite part of the whole day!

Easter Egg Hunt

We went to a great Easter egg hunt with the Sanders in New Albany. They had areas for all different aged kids, so it was nice for the little ones to be able to hunt and find some too. We practiced at home for a few weeks so Will would know what to do. Even though most of the stuff in the eggs contained candy he couldn't have or toys that were too small, Will had a blast opening all the eggs and seeing his goodies.